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I am Joana Costa, a singer and vocal teacher living in Brussels.

I'm really into the voice as an instrument—its unique qualities, its ability to go beyond limits, and all the cool things it can do. I've been studying how to use the voice for over 10 years, exploring different musical genres and styles.

I started my vocal studies in pop, rock, soul with Ricardo Silva at Escola Lugar da Música, in Lisbon, and got a certification in Pop Vocals by Rockschool, showing my enthusiasm and interest into getting to know and mastering the modern aspects of singing.

My education in Jazz Vocals at Hotclube de Portugal (2020-2023) with Marta Garrett, Joana Machado, and Beatriz Nunes, made me dive into the fascinating world of Jazz Vocals and fall in love with this genre. I further attended jazz singing masterclasses with the renowned portuguese artists Maria João and Maria Mendes.

To understand more about how our voices work, I joined the 10th Edition of the "Canto Consciente" course, digging deep into the anatomy and physiology of the singing voice with Fernanda Lopes, a renowned speech therapist and vocal coach from Brazil.

As a singer, I've been part of choirs and ensembles like Coro do Hotclube de Portugal, Nova Era Vocal Ensemble, Meninas do Coro, Coro Iscte. Beyond Portugal, I joined the EuroChoir (2022) in Switzerland. I also joined Ethno music camps in France and Spain in 2023, where folk musicians gather and share songs and tunes from their own countries. There, I not only enjoyed music from around the world but also had the opportunity of teaching traditional Portuguese songs.

Right now, my musical adventure continues in Brussels. I'm exploring the sounds of Galician singing and pandereta with Verónica Codesal at Muziekpublique. I'm also getting into the rich traditions of Portuguese music by studying the Adufe, a traditional portuguese percussion instrument usually played to accompany the voice, with Rui Silva.

E Depois do Adeus - Joana Costa & Lolita Pariaud

E Depois do Adeus - Joana Costa & Lolita Pariaud

Às 22:55 do dia 24 de abril de 1974, passava na rádio a música "E Depois do Adeus" de Paulo de Carvalho, sendo a primeira senha para as tropas se prepararem e estarem a postos para dar início à Revolução dos Cravos, que viria a derrubar a ditadura instalada em Portugal. Este ano celebramos 50 anos desde o 25 de abril de 1974 e eu convidei a Lolita para partilhar esta canção comigo, em jeito de celebração (pela liberdade) e também de lembrete de que esta (ainda) não é um dado adquirido. Todos os dias temos a responsabilidade de continuar a lutar. O vídeo foi gravado na La petite portugaise, uma livraria em Bruxelas que pretende promover a língua e cultura portuguesas. É um espaço onde podemos conversar, beber um café, escolher um livro, alargar ou estreitar os laços com a cultura portuguesa e a de outros países lusófonos, quando a vontade de saber mais nos anima ou a saudade aperta. ❤️ Voz: Joana Costa Acordeão Diatónico: Lolita Pariaud Captação de vídeo: Live Moments Edição de vídeo: Lolita Pariaud Som: Lolita Pariaud La petite portugaise: --- À 22h55 le 24 avril 1974, la chanson "E Depois do Adeus" de Paulo de Carvalho était diffusée à la radio, marquant la première consigne pour les troupes de se préparer et d'être prêtes à lancer la Révolution des Œillets, qui allait renverser la dictature en place au Portugal. Cette année, nous célébrons les 50 ans depuis le 25 avril 1974 et j'ai invité Lolita à partager cette chanson avec moi. C’est une façon de célébrer la liberté et aussi de rappeler que celle-ci n’est jamais acquise. La vidéo a été enregistrée à La petite portugaise, une librairie située à Bruxelles, qui veut promouvoir la langue et la culture portugaises. Un lieu très agréable où tu peux bavarder, boire un café, choisir un livre, élargir ou renforcer les liens avec la culture portugaise et celle d’autres pays lusophones, lorsque le désir d'en savoir plus nous anime ou que la nostalgie se fait sentir. ❤️ Voix : Joana Costa Accordéon diatonique : Lolita Pariaud Enregistrement vidéo : Live Moments Montage vidéo : Lolita Pariaud Son : Lolita Pariaud La petite portugaise:


+32 479 92 17 12



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